PIDTEK offer pyroelectric detectors. The products are made by our partner, Pyreos Limited.
The pyroelectric detectors are used in the Mid Infrared spectrum. It is a cheaper and smaller solution as it need no cooling and less calibration. Pyroelectric detector is a passive sensor and require ultra-low power read-out circuit. Meanwhile, it is a mechanically robust as it is no moving parts. Thus, it is widely used in passive infrared sensors which can be used to analyse and measure substances and detect flames, presence and motion.
Single, dual and quad TO39 detectors
◆ NDIR gas sensing and flame detection;
◆ Fastest response leading to higher resolution and lower power consumption;
◆ Operational from 1-40 Hz. Class-leading SNR above 10-15 Hz;
◆ Less external gain required | |
Digital surface mount pyroelectric detectors
◆ The world’s first surface mount pyroelectric sensor;
◆ The world’s smallest digital SMD pyroelectric sensor;
◆ Plug-and-play connectivity using the I2C bus interface & daisy chaining sensors;
◆ Ultra-low power, sleep modes & wake-up by signal | |
Linear IR arrays
◆ High sensitivity giving higher resolution and smaller products;
◆ Fastest operation, no warm-up reducing operating cycles and system power use;
◆ Low power-consumption enabling handheld, wireless and small products;
◆ Choice of resolution optimised for different applications | |
Pyreos is the world’s only supplier of thin film pyroelectric sensors. These sensors are used for gas and flame detection, for analysis of substances like engine oils, foodstuffs, blood and soil. The sensors are used in a wide variety or sensors and analysers including:
◆ Gas and flame sensors in industrial plants;
◆ Low cost, robust and handheld spectrometers which are disrupting the markets for oil and food-stuff analysis by replacing lab based instruments and lab services with cheaper battery portable hand held devices used in the field;
◆ Gesture, motion and presence sensors