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IDM-D01 is an advanced muti-sensor data acquisition system. It combined with 32 different gas sensors with all integration of electronic circuit, gas sampling and DAQ program, which can perform professional gas sensor array data acquisition for most complicated mixture gases or odors. The data file saved from the system is ASCII format, so it can be used for almost any other program to do the further analysis. The data format designed is suitable for gas/odor pattern classify and recognize algorithm. If it combine with the program designed from our company, which can be directly use as E-Nose to training and testing any application orientated target gases or odors. IDM-D01 unit is designed easy to operate, portable and zero noisy. It performs a real-time continuous monitoring and data acquisition for multiple sensor array measurement, also temperature and RH data acquisition. Simple communication with computer by USB cable. Data communication is very easy by serial port on most PC computer even without program. This provide use a simple way to develop or implant into their own application software. This devise topically useful for in R&D purpose, because the data file generated from measurement of the system is ASCII format, which can be open to view or input into most common program for further process. The system also can be customized to configure in different type of sensors according to target application.